Some people just love scary movies or even those heart-stopping series. So given the change to take a break from all the hard work and asked to put on a scary show, this is what our resourceful team members came up with! This Night of Frights, which was set just before the holiday festivities began, allowed our remote workers to take a page out of the most memorable horror films or streaming series to give us goosebumps! From that creepy girl in “The Ring,” the shocking possessed in “The Exorcist,” that freaky clown Pennywise form “It,” to the horde of flesh-eating teen zombies from the Netflix coming-of-age series “All of Us Are Dead,” the creativity of their presentation is just off the charts! Congratulations to the winning teams, and frighten us again soon!
3rd Place winners: Team Arvin and Team Nikka
2nd Place winners: PAP Compliance – Clark
1st Place winners: Team Ecka – Clark
Share and scare, everyone!