Category: Great People

Resources for your business, insights, and other information about outsourcing and offshoring.

Rob Brough - Strategy For Business Success Thumbnail

Offshoring Strategy: Tips From A Businessman Who Succeeded At It

Businesses that offshored company roles were buoyed by the benefits of cost reductions, flexibility, and access to global talent pool of highly skilled professionals. However, successful offshoring requires not just a well-defined framework but also a solid commitment to seeing it through. Rob Brough, the founder and CEO of offshore

Expectation vs Reality - Loss of Control Thumbnail

The Truth Behind 5 Top Outsourcing Myths

Despite the continued growth of the outsourcing industry, there are still misconceptions about what a successful partnership between a company and a service provider should be. With the world reshaped by the pandemic, finding good and talented people is a must at a time of onshore talent shortages and bigger

Do's and Don'ts - Outshore Offshore Thumbnail

Top 5 Outsourcing Roles in the Philippines

The Philippines is known for its wealth of talent and skilled workforce. Moreover, it has become an outsourcing powerhouse where international companies are able to find great people that deliver the results needed to boost business. Offshoring to the Philippines is a venture that costs less but yields more. Here

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