
Outsourcing Myths Busted: The truth about 5 common misconceptions

Outsourcing and offshoring roles can guarantee cost reduction and even better customer experience. We're debunking the myths.

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Despite the continued growth of the outsourcing industry, there are still misconceptions about what a successful partnership between a company and a service provider should be. With the world reshaped by the pandemic, finding good and talented people is a must at a time of onshore talent shortages and bigger business challenges. Are these myths stopping you?

Myth #1: Outsourcing produces low-quality output

Premium outsourcing companies hinge their reputations on quality of work and integrity of their outputs. They pool the best people to work for their clients, relying on improved workflow, investment on technology and equipment, and well-compensated skilled staff to deliver service at a caliber that can match or even surpass what in-house workers can do. With good, outsourced staff in your roster, it is possible to even scale up your business faster. Language barrier is also a fear among clients but you’ll be surprised at the communication proficiency of outsourced offshore staff.

Myth #2: Outsourcing makes you lose control of your business

On the contrary, it can help focus on your core business. Outsourced workers are not given any significant authority over anything other than their tasks at hand. You determine which roles to outsource to the skilled staff you can handpick, and have their workflow integrate with your own business processes for full control. Others worry about the time difference between countries if workers are offshore, but outsourced staff are known to work across time zones so it wouldn’t be an issue.

Myth #3: Outsourcing will compromise your company’s privacy and security

The data you store must be encrypted and a proper contract with an outsourcing provider must be in place to protect against unauthorized access or misuse of your information. While there is always a risk when exposing information to third parties, companies need to find the right provider to whom they can entrust confidential information. It is in the interest of prime outsourcing providers to earn the trust of their clients, so privacy protection as well as safe and secure access to information are high on their list of priorities.

Myth #4: Outsourcing only makes sense to big businesses

This is one of the most common misconceptions. It’s true that many large companies outsource because they can afford it, but small businesses can do the same and enjoy its cost cutting benefits. For example, a small business can can hire a team of licensed accountants offshore for half the cost. There are numerous outsource services. You can hire offshore virtual assistants, software or web developers, and creative professionals. Some outsource accounting, others do human resource outsourcing; others hire IT specialists who offer 24/7 phone support from anywhere in the world!

Myth #5: Outsourcing is not a long-term solution

It can be a long-term solution because you can use it to maintain, upgrade and scale your business. It can help you with risk management, and it can be cost efficient in the long run. Cost advantage shouldn’t be your only reason for outsourcing; the real investment is in the people who stay and become your true partners in profit.

Let’s be real: Outsourcing has many benefits as well as drawbacks. But dispelling false notions should enable you to make an informed decision when considering your next step for business growth.